Faith Development

As part of the mission of Spiritan Education Trust, we have dedicated resources to the exploration of Faith.  Catholic education is a transformative education. Its starting point is the dignity of each human being. Through the exploration, reflection and expression each student, as part of a community is invited into a life that is inspired by and grounded in Gospel values. The Spiritan educational ethos is immersed in this transformative education.  To this end, a report on the area of School life and Ethos was instigated by the SET Board of Directors in 2015.  It was published in 2016.

To download, a copy of this report click here. 

Faith and Personal Development is at the very heart of the Spiritan educational ethos. The seven core values offer us guidance that encourages us to respond ‘Yes’ to the invitation into ‘the fullness of life’ (John 10;10). When we work together to sustain these values as a lived mission in the daily life of the school network, they enable us to realise the full human potential of every student and colleague alike.

Click here to explore faith and mission resources